Nonindigenous Aquatic Species.Er.United States Geological Survey.Gov, 2020. Spawning can be quite an active affair, so the tank should be as long as possible. The Spruce Pets uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Since tetras are small, they might not be able to swallow all types of foods. Congo Tetra - Breeding. Congo Tetra for Sale A wonderful African Tetra species. Boil enough peat moss to cover the bottom of the tank with one inch of loosely packed moss substrate (about 1/2 cubic foot for a 20-gallon long tank). Breeding Congo Tetras are challenging to breed. If you want to breed Congo tetra you need a large breeding aquarium with bottom plants. Congo Tetras are egg layers and because of this you must make sure if breeding to separate the adults from the eggs or the eggs may be eaten. Size: 9 cm TL (3 1/2 inches). To house that many tetras, your aquarium should be able to hold 10 gallons or more. Adult males have long ray extensions to their tail dorsal and anal fins and are both larger and more brightly coloured than the females. Thomas is a freelance writer specializing in fish and aquariums, with over 50 years of experience in keeping fish. When the female has spawned, remove the pair from the aquarium to prevent them from eating the eggs. The Congo tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus) is a species of fish in the African tetra family, found in the central Congo River Basin in Africa. During the 1970s, Florida fish farms perfected a breeding line, and most specimens found in pet stores descend from this line. Their diets should be complemented with live foods, frozen or freeze-dried foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, tubifex, daphnia (water fleas), earthworms, and infusoria. Congo Tetra Care: Habitat, Diet, Tank Mates & Breeding. However if you have some experience are in breeding other species, you can certainty think of breeding Congo tetras. My Congo Tetras are spawning in my 125 gallon planted tank. Generally, Congos are a peaceful fish when place in a group of 6 or more. They should be fed small amounts several times a day. Take a look! Otherwise, if the fish diet has lack of plant components, congo tetra may start eating soft parts of tank plants. Congos can be bred in an aquarium setting, however, fishkeepers should expect some difficulty. The sexed are easy to differentiate. You will find that if you live in colder climates, you may not be able to maintain the suggested range. Phenacogrammus interruptus (Congo Tetra) P. interruptus are quite sensitive to water quality and if a high standard is not maintained the development of the males' fins may be impaired and the fish will lose colour. But, the species isn’t as prevalent as some other types of tetras. We are going to tell you about congo tetra. Within three months of frequent feedings of live and commercial growth foods, they will reach two inches and show signs of color. I have owned these fish for a around a year and they have been a joy to keep. $64.99 to $139.99. The picture above shows a Congo Tetra for sale in our store. Most pairs will spawn the following morning, or when the lights are turned back on; dark should be maintained for at least eight hours. Another consideration is that the eggs of this fish are extremely vulnerable to fungus and the aquarium should be treated accordingly. The fry will remain near the eggs for about a day after which they will begin to swim in the aquarium. The fish need it for water quality, and if you put them straight into freshwater, they are liable to succumb to fungus. Blue tetra breeding pair, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons Blue tetras can be bred in an aquarium at home. Once you have chosen your breeding pair, add them to the breeding tank and close the lights of the aquarium. Males will have bigger fins, especially the dorsal and caudal fins. As is the case with many other species of tetras, females are oftentimes fickle and may not spawn even when all the parameters are set right. Then, set the tank in a dark place and introduce some adult tetras into it. A schooling fish, however, may be prone to aggressive behavior if not part of a big enough school. It is an ideal species for relatively inexperienced aquarists and is readily available. However, following the proper instructions, you can also be an expert in no time. In the wild, Congo tetras are typically found in slightly acidic waters with pH values ranging between 6 and 7. Breeding. The Blue tetra is a schooling fish, so … This species was not discovered until 1949 and was not imported as a common aquarium fish until the 1960s. Jul 7, 2015 - Congo tetra, color, compatibility, breeding, profile, Phenacogrammus Interruptus, large tank, dim lighting In fact, the Emperor Tetra male and female are relatively easy to distinguish, if you know how. Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus Interruptus) - Species Profile. Breeding shoal consisting of 2x males and 7x females. Wild populations are endemic to parts of the RiverCongo drainage in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They like darker substrates and enjoy nibbling on bottom-growing plants. A female Congo tetra will usually release around 300 eggs among the plants. Congo Tetra - Profile. The water should be acidic and very soft. You can have great fun in breeding the tetras if you do it the right way. Female fish appears with the colour golden but with the shades of greenish silver. Do not keep Congo tetras with any fin-nipping fish as the spectacular fins of the males will be destroyed. The tank intended to be used for breeding should have soft acidic water. The Congo Tetra is an excellent community fish and gets on with most species. If you are a beginner, you should not go for breeding Congo tetras. 9x Congo Tetra Breeding Shoal Live Fish Tropical. Therefore, always try to breed tetras in a group. Congo tetras are schooling fish that can get anxious if they are not part of a group of at least six of the same species. These are a peaceful schooling fish so are generally an excellent community fish. Add live plants like java moss, or make use of artificial spawning grass to provide female to deposit her eggs. If fish are not getting enough food, try a behavioral feeding ring. Free shipping on many items ... Congo Tetra Live Tropical Freshwater Aquarium Fish Tank Tetras. These fish are egg layers. If Congo Tetras aren’t part of a school, they’ll often get nervous and won’t thrive in your tank. These freshwater fish are great community fish, but need a larger tank since they get pretty big for Tetras… Female fish appears with the colour golden but with the shades of greenish silver. In preparing the aquarium, ensure that there are plants for the pair to spawn over. Congos are sexually dimorphic. Like all tetras, the Congo tetras like to swim in groups. To help them swallow their food, break it up into smaller pieces. The water in the breeding tank should be in the soft and acidic side, 1.5- 3 dGH, and 6.5to 6.8 pH. You will also have the choice of selecting pairs to breed as well. Tetras typically breed after a few days, but if this doesn’t happen then slightly adjust the pH and temperature of the water. This fish will stand out with its elegant fins and unique coloration. Today the majority offered for sale are captive bred. Life Span They can live to anything from 3-5 years in perfect conditions. Interested in breeding Congo Tetras? Breeding shoal consisting of 2x males and 7x females. Collection only. In the right lighting, Congos will show a spectrum of colors. Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus Interruptus) - Species Profile. 9x Congo Tetra Breeding Shoal Live Fish Tropical. As the school of fish gets bigger, its ability to evade predation is increased. Little is known about the Congo Tetra’s breeding habits in the wild except that they are egg scatterers. Collection only. The best part of this species is its beautiful orange, silver, and light blue iridescent coloration. Males will also show stronger coloration when compared to their female counterparts, who will be more brownish. Frequent partial water changes are required for the Congo … Congo Tetra Breeding Females are less colourful than the male. Swimming in large schools, the Tetra feed on worms, crustaceans, insects, plant matter, and algae. The Congo Tetra has a typical full-bodied tetra shape with rather large scales. When Congo tetra fry appear from the peat substrate, they are fully free-swimming and hungry. If the quality of the water drops, Congo tetras may lose some of their colorations or wind up with damaged fins. Provide additional nylon breeding mops or several clumps of fine-leaved plants. Preferred Water Chemistry: Tropical; quite adaptable in terms of pH and hardness, soft and acid for spawning. They will grow quickly and take powdered dry food within two weeks, soon reaching almost an inch in length. Fry will grow rapidly to a size larger than full-grown neon tetras in four or five weeks. The Congo Tetra is difficult to breed. Typically, Blue Tetras will be between 3.75 to 4.25 centimeters in size or 1.5 to 1.67 inches. These African counterparts are equally colorful. How many can I keep? 26. The key to success is always to separate the breeding pair into a separate tank. Dry foods such as flakes, granules, crisps, algae wafers, and pellets are good choices. 9x Congo Tetra Breeding Shoal Live Fish Tropical. R… It’s almost exclusively found in small streams throughout the Amazon area. During these dives, they release eggs and milt side by side. Sexing. They are not very picky eaters and will eat practically anything you give them. The females are mostly golden with shades of silver and greenish. They will breed true, having all of the color and beautifully trailing tails of the native African fish. You’ll be happy to know that it’s a fairly simple process. This fish shows amazing rainbow luminescence along the whole body from back to front. Tank mates: Any other tetras, small fish that won't eat the Congo tetra, or fish that have the same needs as the Congo Tetra. At this point, it is possible to determine sex, but they will be six months old and three inches long before they are able to breed. The spawning will be done in couple or in group. It will be easier to get the female to spawn once you have a … Generally, patience is key as females may not be willing to spawn even when presented with a good opportunity. You may also feed the fry commercially available foods specifically made for fish fry. The fish should have a plant diet – for example, some salad or dandelion leaves etc. Emperor Tetra Breeding. The most notable differences are that the male has blue eyes, and the female has green eyes. When you buy fish in small quantities, there can be a possibility of losing the fish due to some circumstances, or the fish may not be able to reproduce. To initiate the breeding process, set up a 20-gallon tank. Congo tetras prefer tropical temperatures of 23°C to 27°C. To avoid this, feed your fish only twice a day, and provide only enough food for the fish to eat within 5 minutes. The water should be soft and slightly on the acid side. The Congo Tetra is a great addition to any planted tank. It is very important not to remove the peat from the fry rearing tank. You can also add some breeding mops and plants throughout. The Congo tetra generally congregates in areas with tall vegetation, few trees, and substrates made up of sand, silt, and mud. It should consist of 60% of animal feed (blood worm, tubifex, brine shrimp) and 40% of plant feed (filamentous alga, spinach, feeds containing spirulina). Pristella Tetra. Due to a house a house move in early 2021 i have to move my prized corydoras onto a new home. Congo Tetras are egg layers and because of this you must make sure if breeding to separate the adults from the eggs or the eggs may be eaten. Item to be paid for before collection and date/time to be arranged in advance

One of these species is the Congo tetra, which shimmers in all the colors of the rainbow. These African characin fish are found in the upper reaches of the River Congo in Zaire. You might want to bottom the tank with java moss, or a spawning mop. They have long, flat bodies with large scales. Keep a separate tank for breeding them. If possible, cover the glass of the aquarium, and prevent light from entering. The sexed are easy to differentiate. Some of the eggs remain in the plant or mop, but most fall into the peat moss substrate. They have big and lengthy fins. You will need a larger breeding tank than for most tetras, because of the size of the breeders themselves, and because they will produce 300 or more eggs; all are most likely to hatch. Blue tetras are small when compared to some other tetras like Diamond tetra or Congo tetra. The males have beautiful greyish-violet fins with white edges, with the dorsal, anal, and tail fins sporting long veiled edges. The water temperature should be a steady 77 degrees Fahrenheit. To help your fish maintain good health, you'll need to provide them with plenty of space and carefully filtered water. There should be no aeration or filtration since this would disturb the peat moss and cloud the water. When mature, the iridescent colors of the Congo Tetra run through the fish from front to back, starting with blue on top changing to red through the middle, to yellow-gold, and back to blue just above the belly. They are also quite an easily frightened fish, … The Congo tetra makes a beautiful addition to any freshwater aquarium. Congo tetras are easy to feed on a mixed diet of flake food, live or frozen food, freeze dried food. Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon Axelrodi) The cardinal tetra closely resembles the more popular neon … This is probably the easiest tetra to breed and raise young. Hobbyists will want to keep a group of at least 6 to 8 Congo Tetra (more being better if there is sufficient tank space), with a … Place in a spawning tank (100 L / 22 imp gal / 26 US gal) equipped with a protective grid and a few plants, a couple or a group of 2 males for 4 females. Spawning fish proceed to dive into the Java moss or spawning mops. The Congo Tetra Phenacogrammus interruptus was described by Boulenger in 1899. When mature, the iridescent colors of the Congo Tetra run through the fish from front to back, starting with blue on top changing to red through the middle, to yellow-gold, and back to blue just above the belly. Whilst they can be kept healthy on a slightly wider range of water parameters, breeding often requires water parameters more similar to their natural habitat. The eggs hatch 6 days after being laid and fertilized. You will need a larger breeding tank than for most tetras, because of the size of the breeders themselves, and because they will produce 300 or more eggs; all are most likely to hatch. Breeding the Congo Tetra. Other live foods like brine shrimp are too big for the fry to eat and will only be a viable option until week 2 or 3. Get the best deals on Live Aquarium Tetra Fish when you shop the largest online selection at Is the Congo Tetra a good community fish? Congo tetra is not very difficult to breed in captivity, but the captive bred specimens offered in pet shops are unfortunately often of a lower quality compared to wild caught Congo tetra. The Congo Tetra is difficult to breed. Congo Tetras are egg layers and because of this you must make sure if breeding to separate the adults from the eggs or the eggs may be eaten. Breeding shoal consisting of 2x males and 7x females. Breeding the Congo Tetra. A female can lay up to 300 eggs, scattered among plants on the aquarium floor. I have owned these fish for a around a year and they have been a joy to keep. Originating from Africa, they are found in the Congo River Basin where they like to in slightly acidic, densely vegetated waters. Place several thickets of Java moss on top of the peat moss substrate in several locations. Congo tetras are omnivores; in the wild, they eat insects, worms, plant matter, and algae. As pets, they are easy to feed: They enjoy live, fresh, and flake foods as well as brine shrimp and blood worms. They prefer still, dark, soft, peat-filtered water with low light levels. Some taxonomists have returned to this name, so you may see it listed as either. The Congo Tetra is a timid and easily frightened fish. Males are much more colorful than females; they are considerably larger and have more elaborate fin structure with a centrally extended caudal fin and a large and pronounced dorsal fin. The colorful tetras of South America have Old World relatives in the region of the Congo River in Africa. Breeding the Congo Tetra. can be added into congo tetra common diet. Place a well-conditioned pair of Congo tetra, which has been kept in separate quarters, into the breeding tank shortly before lights out or shortly before sunset. Flag Tetras do best in … Common Names: Congo tetra Type Locality: Stanley Pool in the lower Congo River Range: Congo River Taxonomic Troubles: Originally described as Micralestes interruptus. The fish in nature approaches 4 1/2 inches. Females have no such fanciful fins. The Congo Tetra has a typical full-bodied tetra shape with rather large scales. If you are a beginner, you should not go for breeding Congo tetras. The key to success is always to separate the breeding pair into a separate tank. If these African Congo tetras appeal to you, but you are interested in some compatible South American fish for the same aquarium, read up on: Check out additional fish species profiles for more information on other freshwater fish. Remove the breeders although most eggs will not be eaten since they are well hidden under the peat moss substrate. However if you have some experience are in breeding other species, you can certainty think of breeding Congo tetras. Lower the acidity, increase the amount of light and use a very large tank with a layer of Java Moss covering the bottom. The water should be slightly acidic to slightly alkaline (pH value: approx. Place in a spawning tank (100 L / 22 imp gal / 26 US gal) equipped with a protective grid and a few plants, a couple or a group of 2 males for 4 females. Black neon tetras are now generally all captive-bred and there is an albino form that is also sometimes available. Tetra fish tend to breed in a group. The content is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Congos are large compared to tetras. The pH level in the aquarium should be slightly acidic, between 5.5 to 6, and the water hardness as low as possible, with a dGH below 1.5. Most of the fish available in the trade are bred commercially in the Far East and Eastern Europe. Our free guide can help keep your tank clean and your fish healthy. It keeps to itself, mostly, though it is in the Emperor Tetra, whereas a tank with brighter lighting is said to bring Their eyes are iridescent, from other varieties, to avoid cross-breeding. Another consideration is that the eggs of this fish are extremely vulnerable to fungus and the aquarium should be treated accordingly. The Congo Tetra when adult is one of the most impressive medium sized characins. A general hardness of 5 – 19° dGH is also recommended for this species of tetra, but they can also be kept in a tank with slightly softer or harder water. It is sensitive to noise and water pollutants. The Congo Tetra is one of my favorite tetras, partly for their beautiful coloration, but also for their flowing fins. Use a 15- or 20-gallon long tank for your breeding project; 10 gallons are not recommended. Fry will grow rapidly to a size larger than full-grown neon tetras in four or five weeks. Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus Interruptus) Description. Common Names: Congo tetra Type Locality: Stanley Pool in the lower Congo River Range: Congo River Taxonomic Troubles: Originally described as Micralestes interruptus. Congo tetras are omnivores and will generally feed on flake, live and frozen foods. Congo tetra fry can be fed infusoria for a day or two before they will take baby brine shrimp. The book is an excellent reference; it details over 200 species of fish and provides fundemental fishkeeping advice. Habitat & Tank Condition. It is commonly kept in aquaria. Here you will find information about how to keep, care, feed, choose tankmates for the congo tetras. When they reach sexual maturity, Congos will generally be between 6 to 8.5 centimeters in length or 2.75 to 3 inches. Due to a house a house move in early 2021 i have to move my prized corydoras onto a new home. The Congo Tetra is a “rhomboid” Tetra in shape. The Congo Tetra is a timid but incredibly beautiful fish. This can easily be achieved in the aquarium, through the use of botanical, peat moss, driftwood, blackwater extracts, and pH buffer products. Description. Breeding: Difficult in the home aquarium. They populate streams, tributaries, pools, and marshes, preferring murky, slightly acidic water. A young adult male Congo Tetra. As bigger fish, they are responsive to their owners and will show personality. Bad water quality has been known to affect male fin development and lead to loss of coloration. This will ensure that your fish has all the nutrients it needs to be in the best possible health. These species have a full-bodied typical tetra shape with rather large scales. Most Congo tetra females prefer to scatter their eggs during early morning, during the very first minutes of daylight. They have big and lengthy fins. If your tetras are being predated by other fish in the aquarium, adding more tetras of the same species can help discourage the attack of predators. Size: 9 cm TL (3 1/2 inches). They are generally blue on top, red and gold in the middle, and blue on the belly. All content provided on is intended, exclusively, for informational purposes. As a schooling fish, it is important that you have at least 6 tetras in the same aquarium. Even if the breeding of the Congo Tetra is feasible, it remains quite difficult. The Encyclopedia of Aquarium and Pond Fish is the Book of the Month for September 2020. Don't worry if you don't observe your Congo tetras coming to the food, as they can be shy about partaking while being watched. Lower the acidity, increase the amount of light and use a very large tank with a layer of Java Moss covering the bottom. This will give them ample safe to feel at ease and will not be distracted by other fish. Sexing. With this quick growth, the need for a larger tank is obvious. Congo tetras are fairly hardy, but only if kept in habitats that are maintained correctly. Congo Tetra Breeding Females are less colourful than the male. Breeding generally requires a large, well-lighted tank with plenty of swimming space that is at least partially planted. Place peat moss at the bottom. Join our mailing list to receive updates and recommendations. As is the case with many other species of tetras, females are oftentimes fickle and may not spawn even when all the parameters are set right. Here is a list of useful tips for you - 1. This differs sharply from their South American relatives, whose eggs hatch much quicker, but whose fry hang on plants for several days, being smaller and more helpless at first. To breed neon tetras, start by setting up a breeding tank using soft, slightly acidic water. This is the recommended … The species that are relatively popular are typically readily available locally. The Flag Tetra is a rare member of the tetra family. Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus) Congo Tetra Tropical Fish Learn all about the Congo Tetra's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and … A young adult male Congo Tetra. Scientific Name: Phenacogrammus interruptus; Family: Characin Congo Tetra - Profile. Breeding The parents should be removed from the tank before the hundreds of fry begin to hatch. Even if the breeding of the Congo Tetra is feasible, it remains quite difficult. Here is a list of useful tips for you - Then, put a bonded male and female into the tank. Saved by Along The Shores. Overfeeding opens the door to a wide range of issues, including indigestion and deteriorating water chemistry. Congo Tetras are not as easily bred as many of their South American cousins. 6.0 – 7.8). Congo tetra eggs are adhesive and will stick to plants, but also rocks and the glass of the aquarium. Congo Tetra originate from the Zaire River and nearby lakes in central Africa. At this point, you will need to feed them, preferably small live foods, like infusoria. It is not easy and if you are unsuccessful, you will get frustrated. This loud coloring is used for extravagant courtship displays toward both the male and female. Congo Tetra - Breeding. Wild populations are endemic to parts of the RiverCongo drainage in the Democratic Republic of Congo. To breed them you should provide a large aquarium with peat-filtered water, brightly lit to induce reproduction, with heavy planting where they can lay their eggs to hatch without the worry of the adults eating them. If kept with other fish of the same size or smaller, Congo tetras are generally peaceful. The IUCN lists the Congo tetra as a species of Least Concern. Breeding tetra fish is quite easy; all you need the right dedication and passion. This will help you maintain your aquarium clean, and greatly benefit the health of your fish. Congo tetras are easy to feed on a mixed diet of flake food, live or frozen food, freeze dried food. To breed congo tetra, a 20 Gallon aquarium is adequate. Add it to a tank already filled with reverse osmosis, distilled, or rainwater if in a rural area, and let it sit for a few days until the peat moss has completely settled. I have owned these fish for a around a year and they have been a joy to keep. Avoid aggressive species, as they will bully your Congo tetras. If your fish are still feeding after 5 minutes, adjust the amount you feed them during the next feeding. Be mindful of how much food you give to your fish. For this, we recommend heaters from EHEIM or Fluval. Congos can be bred in an aquarium setting, however, fishkeepers should expect some difficulty. Their fins are flowy, in comparison to other Tetras, and is similar to Diamond tetras. Get it free when you sign up for the Spruce Pets! This fish measures about 3" long and was swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of us snapped this picture. As with most smaller tropical fish species, the Congo Tetra lives in schools of individuals both for protection and for social reasons. They are found in Africa in the Zaire River region of the upper Congo Basin. Males also have long, flowing fins that are violet with white edging; the mail's tail fin is long and flowing along the vertical medial line. Usually, 300 to 500 or more eggs are laid and hatching occurs from five to eight days after spawning. However farm-raised varieties, though full finned and rich with color, will generally not grow beyond 3 or 3 1/2 inches. Congo Tetra Care: Habitat, Diet, Tank Mates & Breeding, Emperor Tetra Care (Nematobrycon palmeri): Diet, Habitat & Breeding, Blue Tetra Care (Knodus borki): Diet, Tank Requirements & Breeding, Diamond Tetra Care (Moenkhausia pittieri): Diet, Habitat & Breeding, Lemon Tetra Care: Habitat, Diet & Breeding, Betta Fish Care: Habitat, Breeding, Lifespan & Compatibility, The Blackwater Aquarium: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners, Best 8 Wild Betta Fish for your Aquarium – You betta believe it. Congo Tetras are omnivorous and will accept many small foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, micro pellets, and high quality flakes. Congo Tetra for Sale The parents should be removed from the tank before the hundreds of fry begin to hatch. Fish Disease: Signs and treatments for some common freshwater fish disease Congo tetra: care, size, lifespan, tankmates, breeding. Preferred Water Chemistry: Tropical; quite adaptable in terms of pH and hardness, soft and acid for spawning. Another consideration is that the eggs of this fish are extremely vulnerable to fungus and the aquarium should be treated accordingly. This will encourage spawning behavior. Breeding This species is listed on the IUCN Red List as Least Concern (LC) because it has a large population and no major widespread threats. One of possible troubles that may arise – since the fish is a rather timid one, it may not be able to compete with more active tan… Some taxonomists have returned to this name, so you may see it listed as either. Read our, Feeding Rings: A Great Option for Your Fish, More Pet Fish Species and Further Research. Throughout the whole breeding process, it is important that you keep the lights dim, as both the eggs and the fry are hypersensitive to light. Adult males have long ray extensions to their tail dorsal and anal fins and are both larger and more brightly coloured than the females. You may need extra effort if this is your first time. After adding the water, let the tank cycle for several days so that the moss has time to enrich the water. Over 200 species of fish and provides fundemental fishkeeping advice, will generally grow... ( Reproduction ): female Congo Tetra is a great addition to any aquarium... Owned these fish for a around a year and they have long, flat bodies large!, exclusively, congo tetra breeding informational purposes and anal fins and are therefore more popular aquarium clean, and you... To in slightly acidic to slightly increase daily the amount you feed them preferably... 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Habits in the Congo Tetra you need a large, well-lighted tank with a layer of Java,! Shoal consisting of 2x males and 7x females aquariums, when one of favorite! Project ; 10 gallons are not recommended for some common freshwater fish Disease: Signs and treatments for some freshwater! Tips for you - 1 light from entering eggs among the plants along the whole body from back to.! Their tail dorsal and anal fins and are both larger and more brightly coloured the. Damaged fins specimens usually have longer finnage and more brightly coloured than the male … Description their. Tankmates, breeding shades of silver and greenish and provides fundemental fishkeeping advice hungry! But most fall into the peat from the fry commercially available foods specifically made for fish.. To separate the breeding of the same aquarium but with the shades of silver and congo tetra breeding soft acidic.! Artificial spawning grass to provide them with plenty of swimming space that is at least 6 tetras in four five! Is intended, exclusively, for informational purposes breeding process, set up a 20-gallon.. Fish gets bigger, its ability to evade predation is increased the fry will grow rapidly a... Be removed from the tank cycle for several days so that the moss time! Murky, slightly acidic waters with pH values ranging between 6 and 7 with white edges, over..., red and gold in the breeding pair, add them to the breeding into... Generally all captive-bred and there is an excellent community fish a beautiful to! The acidity, increase congo tetra breeding amount of light and use a 15- 20-gallon... This can be bred in an aquarium setting, however, fishkeepers should some... Or mop, but also rocks and the glass of the color beautifully. Tank and close the lights of the Congo Tetra can lay up to 500 or more and plants. Rainbowfish, and the aquarium aquarium to prevent them from eating the eggs hatch 6 days after being laid fertilized. Much food you give them ample safe to feel at ease and will stick to plants, but most into...