This person is the enterprise manager. In this aspect, management as a process goes beyond the material dimension and becomes a practice present also in spiritual sphere of a man, whose everyday life should be filled with the values they uphold (Book of Psalms 23 [, The theoretical dimension of the mentioned issues is obvious for every Christian, especially a Catholic, yet the true essence of the cited knowledge is its practical dimension, understood as the ability to accept and use the Creed. A right is a value judgment. Please let us know what you think of our products and services. Every second respondent (46%) claimed that on the website of their company the values resulting from their Christianity are being promoted, but 40% stated they do not do it. Community Religion, Employees, and the Social License to Operate. This article presents the results of research carried out on the basis of interviews with managers of enterprises in Poland, who declare that they uphold Christian values. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results. We have to establish the objectivity of certain higher values. Should we tell grown-up people lies? Conroy, S.J. Goswami in this lecture shows how spiritual values are relevant in the modern times in a broad historical context and why we need a spiritual science and higher consciousness. Business ethics and religion: Religiosity as a predictor of ethical awareness among students. The hierarchy of values ​​will depend on three very important elements: -The person, who is who determines the most important values ​​according to their needs, interests, aspirations, training, their personal and social conditions. A spiritual community can improve your life.. It means that the spirituality of employees positively influences the results obtained by the enterprise or social organization [. The value of security or freedom is not a physical fact, it cannot be measured. These spiritual values are also human values and are the fundamental roots of a healthy, vibrant, and viable work career. Practicing and believing managers more often used the professed values towards employees, customers, tax administration, and local community, while other managers—if they used the declared values—than they did so towards employees, competition, and customers. As we know, periodic forest fires are good. It seems that a larger sample of interviews would allow to reinforce the statistical proofs for the results obtained so far. It is especially evident in the case of treatment of tax administration. It is also worth adding that, in line with the Bible, the calling to manage the goods is the first calling the man heard from God (Book of Genesis 1: 28 [, The teachings of Jesus Christ as the Son of God are directed to every man, therefore, also to managers, entrepreneurs, leaders, and administrators. The enterprises that the managers were managing were varied. Spirituality Many people see spirituality as a great way of seeking peace in their life. Health and Energy. The events that took place in the 20th century, especially the industrial revolution, initiated not only the development of entrepreneurship, but also allowed for the expansion of knowledge on managerial competences. The research did not cover other religions, due to the fact that Poland is one of the European countries where Christianity is the religion of almost 94% of the country’s population [. In this world of heightened interest to property and material wealth, it is very important to preserve and develop one’s own principles and spiritual values. Freshman, B. SPIRITUAL DIRECTION IN DAILY LIFE I n The First Jesuits John O’Malley indicates the importance of spiritual conversation in the pastoral strategy of Ignatius and the first compan-ions.1 Obviously conversation as a pastoral strategy differs from ordinary conversation since it aims to “help souls,” as Ignatius so often puts it. by Adam R. Szromek. The theoretical issues were based on the review of scientific literature on managerial competences, as well as management carried out on the basis of biblical principles and especially on management by gospel. How do we know anything? Reflections A three-tier model of organizational competencies. That is a trade-off between freedom and security: In exchange for the encroachment upon my freedom I have more security). According to M. Armstrong [. There are two problems with this argument: There is also an epistemological argument: How do we know anything exists outside of our mind? Sirico, R.A. Miller, D.W.; Ewest, T. A new framework for analyzing organizational workplace religion and spirituality. It is the most difficult to act in accordance with the professed values towards local community (74%) and towards competition (72%). those of the individual authors and contributors and not of the publisher and the editor(s). Many spiritual traditions encourage participation in a community. A limitation of this research is definitely the size of the target sample. Dyck, B.; Schroeder, D. Management, Theology and Moral Points of View: Towards an Alternative to the Conventional Materialist-Individualist Ideal-Type of Management. It completely distorts and twists what almost everybody feels they deeply know to be true, that it is wrong to see how innocent people are being murdered. Spirituality is linked to many important aspects of human functioning—spiritual people have positive relationships, high self-esteem, are optimistic, and have meaning and purpose in life. This does not mean that employees and managers must be deprived of their spiritual values. He felt that this is a fact everybody can understand by just looking at it. Karakas, F. Spirituality and Performance in Organizations: A Literature Review. When this happens a moral context is given … The obtained results allow to confirm the Hypothesis 1 (H1) stating that: The believing and practicing managers, who declare to be Christian, more often use the rules resulting from Christian faith in enterprise management than other managers, who declare to be Christian. Allan, G.W. Defining CSR: Problems and Solutions. No significant difference can be observed between the responses of managers being the owners of the companies they manage and the ones who only manage them at the owner’s request. spirituality improves well-being of the employees and the quality of life. Christianity, as one of the biggest monotheist religions, is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ that were written down in the form of Gospel, which is the major element of the biblical New Testament. Thanks to the extremely valuable suggestion of the reviewer of this article, it was also noticed that the behavior of managers may have other reasons. The basis for conclusions concerning the present research problem are empirical studies. The believing and practicing managers, who declare to be Christian and who attend church service (A), more often promote the rules resulting from Christian faith in their enterprises than other managers, who only declare to be Christian (B). It is interesting how Christian values influence the decisions made by the enterprises managers. It was suggested that the behaviors of the believing and practicing Christian managers are slightly different than the ones of non-believing managers and of managers who go to church only because of the tradition. The overall premise of the Industry 4.0 concept is rapid change in the business and social environment, and continuous development. This is no difference in case of managers, irrespective of the fact whether they are enterprise owners or if they are only hired managers. The statements, opinions and data contained in the journals are solely 13/010/BK_20/0042 at the Silesian University of Technology. The views of this group differ slightly from other ones, that in many issues were unanimous. His claim is that all people are created equal and bestowed by the creator with equal rights. Wyniki Badania Spójności Społecznej, Help us to further improve by taking part in this short 5 minute survey, Basic Psychological Needs as a Motivational Competence: Examining Validity and Measurement Invariance of Spanish BPNSF Scale, Method of Choice: A Fluorescent Penetrant Taking into Account Sustainability Criteria, The Impact of International Trade on Sustainable Development in Saudi Arabia, Society 5.0 and Industry 4.0 Relations and Implications, Professional values of nursing students may be changed considerably by curricula. Defines Purpose of life: It explains the actual purpose of life for the person. Camp, A.A.; Gibbs, M. The Ten Commandments Perspective Power and Authority in Organizations. The Importance of Moral Values Moral values offer a guide to lead a noble life rather than one that is self-serving and full of selfish motives and interactions. 2017/25/B/HS4/00301, supervised and financed by the National Science Center in Poland and as part of statutory research No. (Previous example: The fact that there are more accidents can be measured, but to say that there would be more value in reducing accidents is a metaphysical fact). It must be admitted that many issues on this subject are difficult to be studied empirically [, An interesting literature study on this subject was carried out by C.V. Porras and I.D. It will be the most … The new idea of doing business, focused on permanent development of digital technologies, also brings some obligations towards society. It was possible to obtain the two-dimensional statement thanks to the correspondence analysis (. Stopping the natural elimination of weaker elements in a gene-pool makes that community weaker. Then, the research methods and the results of the study have been presented. In his Dialogues he tries to reconcile his geometry with his theism and talks about purifying the soul. A lot of religions have changed their systems of beliefs over time and under the influence of cultures into which they have spread. Our dedicated information section provides allows you to learn more about MDPI. It must be emphasized that, in case of all the proposed entities, the frequency of practical use of Christian values was not as frequent in this group of managers, as in the case of practicing and believing managers. [, It must also be emphasized that, among numerous publications that support the development of spirituality, especially Christian ones, at work, there are also papers that critically approach this academic trend [, In the academic context, it is worth paying attention to the fact that management sciences, as per the definition cited above, focus on activities that support the implementation of goals in an effective and efficient way. The literature names four key approaches to the work of managers in the context of their roles or managerial functions. The problem is very complex because it concerns the spiritual sphere of man. Nowe Wyzwania. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. the notion that rape and crime are bad is because society found it beneficial, evolution made you think it. The studies determine both the level of use of the professed values when it comes to enterprise management and the likelihood of the managers to promote Christian values that they uphold. It was the  notion of natural philosophy by simply studying nature. ; Giacalone, R.A.; Jurkiewicz, C.L. From the received statement, it results that the declarations and the actual use of Christian values when managing an enterprise is most common among the managers aged 18–55, regularly attending church service and running micro, small, and medium enterprises. Gotsis, G.; Kortezi, Z. Managers were also asked if they use Christian values when deciding which contractor to select, taking into account the work organization rules, rules of employees’ treatment etc. The research was carried out in May 2019 in Poland with the use of a research questionnaire having the form of a personal interview comprising 18 questions. To specify what values should be taken into account, every respondent familiarized oneself with the definition of Christian values that encompassed the values resulting from abiding by the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes, and first of all by abiding by the Great Commandment to love God and one’s neighbor (and, in particular, the employee, customer, contractor, and even the competitor in need). Therefore he claims it to be self-evident. spirituality ensures that the employees have the sense of purpose at work. Otherwise, it would distort the teaching of Christ [. This is confirmed by the quantity comparison obtained with the use of descriptive analysis, where the only significant difference was the higher inclination of the hired managers to share the profits of the enterprise with the local community than it was the case of managers being at the same time enterprise owners (. Only when people have their own goals and aims, stick to their own principles and ideas, they can become full-fledged personalities; they can develop and achieve what they aspire to. It cannot be ruled out that both groups of managers have reasons to build good relations with employees, customers, and local community, to try avoiding unwanted penalties by the state, etc., that is, for purely rational and pragmatic reasons. There are many different religions, with different rituals and teachings, but they all teach that life has a spiritual dimension, and that connecting with that dimension through meditation or prayer or other practices is good for us. This research received funding from the National Science Center in Poland. Cui, J.; Jo, H.; Velasquez, M.G. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used for this purpose. Values… Among the respondents, 94.23% of them were Catholic and 5.77% were Protestant. Making decisions in the enterprise is a complex process of choosing the optimal solution. Neal, J. Spirituality in management education. At the same time, it is also worth emphasizing that the previous studies that were cited in the section devoted to literature, stating that the religion has influence on the implementation of professional duties, were confirmed [, The complementation of the performed descriptive analysis is the result of a multi-dimensional statement of the image of specific traits with the use of taxonomic measures. An exploratory analysis of definitions and applications of spirituality in the workplace. In the spiritual dimension, the efficiency of achieving the Christian goals is indicated by the Ten Commandments, being a path leading us towards things done in the right way, while the effectiveness is indicated by the Beatitudes, meaning the implementation of the right goals. If I can show that raping and murdering doesn’t interfere with the brute survival of the species there is no problem. It is common to say religion is a crutch. The article is divided into five parts. The Value and Importance of Spiritual Reading Living the Faith, Prayer, Spiritual Development The Christian spiritual life is a journey that doesn’t exist in a vacuum. From among the managers taking part in the study, 88.46% of them declared that, in general, they follow the rules they know from the Bible, 76.92% of the respondents declared that they frequently and regularly take part in religious practices, 15.38% declared that they attend the church service rarely, and 7.69% do not practice at all. Finally Acaryadeva explains the details of the purificatory process. The differences between the indicators in the two groups subject to comparison are easily recognizable, both nominally and thanks to the value of level of statistical significance of differences between the means. “I wanted to be in higher consciousness and was thus looking for a practical spiritual method which could bring me to realized understanding.” A theory which rejects all personal life appears to be monstrous. Department of Organization and Management, Institute of Economy and Informatics, Silesian University of Technology, Akademicka 2A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland. The dependent variable is the dichotomous variable denoting two possible variants. Argument:  The reason we think certain qualities are good is because evolution selected that, since societies who believe that survived more efficiently than societies who didn’t believe it. Yet another group is the one comprising persons attending church services only occasionally and occasionally using the Bible, as well as non-believers and non-practicing Christians. Therefore, the Socio-5.0 concept focuses not only on technological changes in the industry, but also on achieving an over-intelligent society. The philosophy of the University Memorial Chapel is that education should embrace the importance of the student’s spiritual values. Brophy, M. Spirituality Incorporated: Including Convergent Spiritual Values in Business. ; Emerson, T.L. Protecting and managing water is a custodial and intergenerational responsibility. The research that was carried out aimed to determine the manner of implementation of Christian values by managers, when it comes to enterprise management, and the scope in which these managers promote the values they uphold. In the end of his life he proposes a religious state. This is important because Hume was reacting to a Christian worldview which pervaded Europe at this time. Values are an important part of human existence, his society and human relations. Parents generally begin teaching their children good moral values early on in life as many children learn … Children An interesting image is the comparison between the two groups: It also worth noticing the differences during the selection of entities, towards which the Christian values are used by both groups. These differences were even more visible in case of promoting Christian values. -A second element are the qualities of value, which has to do with personal preference. New, G.E. The objective of this article is the assessment of the influence of the professed Christian values on the implementation of enterprise management function. Additionally, the respondents were divided into two major groups: The issue may seem trivial, but there is a strong justification for this hypothesis. Has fulfillment in life in every sense and doesn’t face a lack anytime! The practicing believers use Christian values more often towards this entity. There is a need to re-spiritualize society. Due to the fact that the respondents could provide the answer using the five-item Likert scale (. We have a thesis which is fanatical religion. Miller, D.W.; Ewest, T.; Neubert, M.J. Development of The Integration Profile (TIP) Faith and Work Integration Scale. A majority of the respondents (76.92%) were within the age range of 35–54 years. The one who has spiritual values is: At peace with him/herself and with the world around! Unfortunately, due to the subjectivity of this issue, finding it is very difficult and requires further research. This leads us to gigantic vanity. The article presents the results of qualitative study carried out in 52 Polish enterprises, the managers of which declare that they uphold Christian values. 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