Modern myth would have you believe that goldfish can't remember anything that happened more than three seconds ago and, hence, their lives are filled with the constant excitement of … A researcher offers his opinion regarding the stereotype: “A lot of people have the image of a goldfish with a three-second memory – and that’s not the case at all. Myth: Goldfish have a three second memory. Goldfish three-second memory myth busted. A goldfish’s memory lasts only three seconds. Researching into Goldfish Memory Spans. This myth is so widely passed around that it even made it into Time Magazine's "numbers" section at one point. New findings suggest that the three-second memory of the fish is in fact a myth. Not only that, but they seem to be able … Well, they have found that goldfish can, in fact, be taught to do many things once thought to be impossible by those who believed the three-second memory myth. Goldfish can be trained to push levers, play soccer, perform a decent limbo, and even play a game of fetch! The myths are wrong, here is the real answer to a goldfish's memory span based on actual study's and real facts to answer this commonly asked question. Being completely unable to duplicate even the first part of the myth, the rest could not have followed. In spite of the popular myth that goldfish have only a 3-second memory, research conducted at Plymouth University has demonstrated that goldfish have a memory span of up to three months. In fact, goldfish actually have very good memories for fish. (This myth was revisited in Myths Redux and it was re-busted.) There is a popular belief that goldfish only have a three-second memory span and every lap of their fishbowl is like seeing the world for the first time. These studies have also established that goldfish are able to associate time with feeding. There is this notion floating around, nothing more than a bogus myth that the memory span of a goldfish is no more than 3 seconds. They can be trained to respond various ways to certain colors of light; different kinds of music; and other sensory cues. Verdict - Busted Notes - Jamie trained his goldfish to recognize color patterns and complete an obstacle course under water. Goldfish memory myth busted IT may just swim around in circles, but your pet fish knows more than you think, with a good memory and the ability to handle "complex concepts". The Myth - A goldfish's memory lasts only three seconds. This myth states that goldfish only have three seconds of memory, so you shouldn't feel bad when you stick them in a small fish bowl -- by the time they make it around the bowl, it's all new to them.