Karakteristik dari Catalog yang akan kita buat ada 4: BSC itu kek semacam “what”nya, TSC itu kek “how”nya…, BSC buat customer, TSC itu buat orang2 teknis yang akan deliver servis-nya ke customer, “bikin NasGor artinya kita perlu list supplier beras siapa aja, siapa main supplier dan siapa backupnya”, “mau bangun DaCen berarti kita harus kontak SI/Vendor untuk bantuin implementasi alat2nya”, Supplier: 3rd party that help Us to deliver services (kek Vendor dan SI), Inti dari supplier management adalah memastikan setiap kontrak dengan 3rd party sesuai dengan komitment pas kontraknya, Dalam ITIL, dokumen2 tentang kontrak kerja disebut Underpinning Contract. The AWS Service Management Connector helps IT Service Management (ITSM) administrators improve governance over provisioned AWS and third-party products. Yang handle supplier siapa? Service catalogs are designed and maintained through the process called "ITIL Service Catalog Management," which is part of the service design book of ITIL. ), “we aiming for best NasGor experience, pastikan bumbu2 dan alat2 dapur dipilih yang best quality”, “alat2 DaCen harus yang paling canggih (klo kuat bayarnya)”, Inti dari Architecture Management itu simple….pastikan up to date…infrastructure-nya, “yang ngurus membership siapa? Architecture Management, Availability Management, BIA, BSC, Capacity Management, CMIS, Compliance Management, CSI Register, Design Coordination, InfoSec Management, ISO 27005, ITSCM, MTBF, MTBSI, MTRS, NIST SP 800 30, OLA, Recovery Plan, RFC, Risk Management, Risk Register, SDP, Service Catalog Management, Service Design, Service Level Management, SIP, SLA, SLAM Chart, SLR, Supplier Management, TSC Mit Service Catalogue Management baut ITIL V3 das bereits aus aus der vorhergehenden ITIL-Version bekannte Konzept des Servicekatalogs weiter aus. All contributions are welcome - Open Service Catalog Manager uses the Apache 2.0 license and does not require any contributor agreement to submit patches. The technical service catalog (sometimes known as the ‘supporting service catalog view’) contains information relevant to the service provider around delivery and support of the service to meet customers’ needs. Rollen, YaSM® is a registered trade mark of IT Process Maps GbR.ITIL®, IT Infrastructure Library® and the Swirl logo™ are registered trade marks of AXELOS Limited. Welcome to lesson 3 ‘Service catalog Management’ of the ITIL Intermediate SOA tutorial, which is a part of the ITIL Intermediate SOA Foundation Certification course.This learning unit explores how the process of service catalog management contributes to SOA practices. A service portfolio is a complete listing of all of IT’s products and services. Here are the key activities included in Service Catalogue Management − 1. Customize portals where your customers can request catalog items such as service and product offerings. 6.5 Service Catalog Management Process Purpose / Objective The purpose of Service Catalog Management is to provide and maintain a single source of consistent information on all operational services and to ensure that it is widely available to those who are authorized to access it. Chef hotel bintang 5? VeriSM™ is a registered trademark of IFDC. Nah, tahapan2 atau proses yang masuk dalam fase Service Design adalah: Ya, memang klo ga begitu…pas service kita masuk ke operational state, pasti acak2an…ga jelas service nya kek apa, siapa yang dapet ini service, berapa banyak/lama ini service bisa didapat, dll, “masa café ga ada daftar menu-nya…bikin lah”, “bikin daftar IT services yang bisa customer pake untuk DaCen”, Inti dari Service Catalog Management adalah…BIKIN MENU, Pentingnya membuat “menu” alias IT Catalog adalah…Menghindari IT Superman, Alias lu semua yang ngerjain, padahal bukan kerjaan dan tanggung jawab lu, “bos, benerin printer gue dong…benerin HaPe gue dong“…lu bisa jawab “tugas gue cuma ping, install software, sama setting router”, Isi dalam list (menu) yang akan dipublish ke customer tersebut adalah services2 yang sedang “live” alias sedang berjalan, Yang pernah berjalan (retired services) tidak akan ditampilkan di menu tapi hanya ada di Service Portfolio (supaya bisa jadi track record alias sejarah yang barangkali mau kita ulang lagi), Dalam IT Services, Service Catalog ini hanya akan disediakan kepada customer yang ter-authorisasi (klo customer café cuma liat2 ruangan doang jgn dikasi menu dulu, begitu mereka duduk baru kasih menu). The Service Catalogue is integrated with other processes, including Service Level, Financial, Demand and Request Management - all these perfectly described in the ITIL books. In Service Manager, the out-of-box Service Catalog workflow conforms to the principles of ITIL 2011 Edition. This process provides vital information for all other ITIL service management processes: service details, current status and the services' interdependencies. Atau ala warteg?”, “bikin DaCen pake standard apa? ), Detection Time: berapa lama trouble ini akhirnya ke-detect, Diagnosis Time: berapa lama waktu untuk nge-cek problemnya dimana, Repair Time: berapa lama waktu untuk benerin, Restoration Time: berapa lama waktu untuk bikin service kembali normal. › [2] R: Responsible i.S.d. In ITIL v4, Service Catalog management is one of the Service Management practices. Juli 2020 um 16:30 Uhr bearbeitet. The IT service catalog was originally introduced as part of the IT Infrastructure Library’s (ITIL®) set of best practices for IT service management (ITSM). Agreeing and documenting a service definition with all relevant parties 2. The British Government was the first to introduce ITIL to the world, stemming from its dissatisfaction with the quality of IT service … --   COBIT® is a registered trademark of ISACA. ITSM tools, such as ServiceNow and Jira Service Desk, connect with the AWS Management and Governance services AWS Service Catalog, AWS Config, and AWS Systems Manager. Überblick Der Inhalt ist verfügbar unter der Lizenz. You can also standardize request fulfillment to ensure the accuracy and availability of the items in the catalogs. ITIL recommends managing independently Incident Management from Request Fulfillment the latter closely linked with the use of a Service Catalog makes easily available the set of IT products and services to users. › --   Microsoft®, Word™, Excel®, SharePoint® and Visio® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. ARIS™ and IDS Scheer are registered trademarks of Software AG. 1). The concept of a Service Catalogue has been around for as long as we have had a service level management process and SLAs. In ITIL 4 wird "Service Catalogue Management" als eine Service-Management-Praktik aufgeführt. USMBOK™ is a registered trademark of Virtual Knowledge Solutions International Incorporated (VKSII). documentation relevant for the IT Service Consumers . The service catalogue is a part of the service portfolio and contains information about the two types of IT services: Find and compare top Catalog Management software on Capterra, with our free and interactive tool. Typically, a catalog will have two views: a customer-facing view from which business users can browse and select services and a technical view that documents exactly what is required to deliver each service in the catalog. An IT service catalog contains information about deliverables, prices, contact points and processes for requesting a service. ITIL Service Catalog explained using various real life examples for better understanding. It includes the following three components: The Service Catalog. Quickly browse through hundreds of Catalog Management tools and systems and narrow down your top choices. Service portfolio shows all services: past, present, and future. What is Service Catalogue Management? Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 23. SIAM™ is a registered trademark of EXIN. Pastikan dalam dokumen tersebut tercatat detil2 kontrak (pas kerjasama…vendor itu ngerjain apa, masang apa, responsibilities-nya apa)…isinya berkisar: Supplier pun ada kategorisasi-ya berdasarkan Value, Importance, Risk, dan Impact-nya, “bagaimana cara mengetahui agar NasGor ini tergolong sukses dan laku ketika di launching”, “klo DaCen ini di launching, parameter apa yang bisa kita liat untuk menentukan worth apa engga ini Service dimata customer”, Inti dari Service Level Management adalah menentukan SLA (Service Level Agreement), SLA: menentukan parameter2 agar service bisa dikatakan berjalan lancar, “denger2 café lu jual menu baru NasGor ya, bikinnya ga pake telor dan ga pake lama ya…”, “ok…gue akan sediain bandwidth untuk ke DaCen, minimum 512kbps”, Klo 2 kalimat diatas tidak terpenuhi bagaimana? Pentingnya membuat “menu” alias IT Catalog adalah…Menghindari IT Superman. ANSI/TIA?”, Inti dari Compliance Management adalah menyesuaikan service dengan standard2 yang berlaku di dunia international, baik secara legal/hukum maupun tidak (best practice, framework, etc. Service Catalogue Management Service catalog management (SCM) is the process responsible for creating, updating, and maintaining the service catalog in ITIL service. ISO/IEC 20000® is a registered trademark of ISO. ITIL®-Prozesslandkarte & ITIL®-Wiki | Aktuelles: Verantwortlichkeits-Matrix: ITIL Service Catalogue Management, erforderlichen Änderungen am Servicekatalog, https://wiki.de.it-processmaps.com/index.php?title=Service_Catalogue_Management&oldid=9458, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Germany License, Ein Antrag aus einem Service-Management-Prozess heraus zur Änderung des, Der Service Catalogue Manager trägt die Verantwortung für die Pflege des. The customer-facing view of the IT service catalog is typically offered via a self-service portal that allows users to search for needed services and initiate serv… to Open Service Catalog Manager. Extend Open Service Catalog Manager. Service Catalogue Management aims to ensure that a Service Catalogue is produced and maintained, containing accurate information on all operational services and those being prepared to be run operationally. Interfacing and Service Portfolio Management to agree the contents of the Service Portfolio Management to agree the contents of the Service Portfolio and Service catalogue 3. [1] A: Accountable i.S.d. › Die folgenden ITIL-Begriffe und Acronyme (Informations-Objekte) werden in Service Catalogue Management zur Darstellung der Prozess-Outputs und -Inputs verwendet: Erforderliche Änderungen am Servicekatalog, Service Catalogue Manager - Prozess-Verantwortlicher. The use of a Service Catalog helps IT departments reduce the cost of service delivery and increase the level of user satisfaction. The Service Catalog Management process aligns to ITIL 2011 Edition workflows and process integrations. Filter by popular features, pricing options, number of users, and read reviews from real users and find a tool that fits your needs. Sunrise IT Service Management allows you to create and sustain your own published Service Catalogue from a definitive, and approved, library of products and services. Miftah Rahman This guide describes how to configure the Service Catalogue Management in SAP Solution Manager 7.2 describing an integral process of the IT Service Management. Each catalog item can have a unique workflow and business rules with built‑in automation. Service Catalogue Management is part of Service Design . Catalogue management “is the process of suppliers enabling electronic product content to be made available to buying organisations in order for them to procure goods electronically” and where the product content can be hosted by either the supplier or the buyer (Best Practice Guide, 2004: 5). In Folge der Einführung von Design-Koordinierung sind in ITIL 2011 die Schnittstellen von Service Catalogue Management leicht angepasst worden. The service catalogue may take many forms such as a document, online portal, or a tool that enables the current list of services to be communicated to the audience. Definitionen An ITIL Service Catalogue is a database or a structured document with information about all live IT services including the ones which are available for deployment. The objectives of Service Catalog Management are to: It is part of your service portfolio and is fed by your service pipeline. penyataan dari customer ke kita…, “eh, bikin NasGor dong, bosen French fries terus, klo bisa masak-nya jangan lama2”, “bikin DaCen yang bisa diakses darimana pun dan kapan pun dong, user kita banyak yang mobile, trus security-nya juga ya, pake VPN”, Pernyataan ini akan diterjemahkan ke sudut pandang teknis dan organisasi, namanya SDP (Service Design Packages), So, contoh…kita punya SDP dengan nama “XYZ” yang isinya user dapet minimum koneksi 512kbps, storage 1 Gbps, plus userpass VPN selama 1 minggu, Berarti klo ada customer request “XYZ”…dia dapet itu semua yang dijanjikan (minimum…sukur2 dapet 1mbps klo lagi lancar). Service Catalog Management “ masa café ga ada daftar menu-nya…bikin lah ” “ bikin daftar IT services yang bisa customer pake untuk DaCen ” Inti dari Service Catalog Management adalah…BIKIN MENU. Zusätzlich wird eine klare Trennung eingeführt zwischen Business Services (für die Kunden wahrnehmbare Services, definiert durch SLAs) und Infrastruktur-Services (nur IT-intern wahrgenommene Services, definiert durch OLAs und UCs). Interfacing with the business and IT Service Continuity Management on the dependencies of business units and their business processes with the supporting IT services contained within the Busine… mutual responsibilities. Das Übersichts-Diagramm zu Service Catalogue Management (.JPG) illustriert die wichtigsten Schnittstellen des ITIL-Prozesses (siehe Abb. Bandwidth gede ga?”, Capacity: the maximum amount of delivery ability that an IT can produce, Inti dari Capacity Management adalah bagaimana kita tuning storage, partisi, QoS, adjust bandwidth, dan segala hal yang bisa di “sizing”, “kek-nya mulai banyak nih yang mesen Nasgor, sanggup berapa banyak ya kita proses nasgor secara bersamaan?”, “dalam sehari ada request 10 nasgor nih, sedangkan panci nasgor cuma 1, artinya kita harus beli lagi“, “klo pake panci biasa, nasgor-nya jadi dalam waktu 10 menit, kita harus mempertimbangkan pake panci Teflon nih…biar masaknya cepet“, Alat untuk ngeliat kapasitas storage ataupun bandwidth (kek Solarwind dkk) didalam ITIL itu disebut CMIS (Capacity Management Information System), “ketika pelanggan request NasGor, maka item tersebut harus ada/ready”, “gimana caranya agar DaCen kita mencapai 99,999% uptime per-tahun”, Inti dari Availability adalah ketika customer request service kita, maka service itu harus ada dan harus siap disajikan, Availability: kemampuan dari IT Service untuk perform sebagaimana fungsi yang telah disepakati ketika dibutuhkan, Ada 2 tipe penanganan ketika Availability tidak ada: Reactive vs Proactive, Ini artinya…proses Reactive lebih kearah instant solution dibandingkan dengan Proactive yang lebih membutuhkan proper planning sebelumnya, Ada beberapa istilah dalam Availability Management, Karena Availability berkaitan dengan incident…maka diperlukan namanya Maintenance Plan (Bahasa ITIL untuk S.O.P-standard Operation Procedure) sebelum service ini di launching, “yang boleh mesen NasGor hanya yang exclusive membership café aja”, “yang bisa akses DaCen siapa aja, prerequisite-nya apa, ngapain aja”, Inti dari InfoSec Management adalah bagaimana service CIA* kita yang kita kasih sesuai dengan kesepakatan, *CIA: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability, Ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan dari segi InfoSec ketika kita merancang service sebelum masuk ke tahap operational, “klo DaCen kita down apa yang harus dilakukan?”, Inti dari Risk Management adalah mengidentifikasi, menilai, dan mengontrol resiko yang akan muncul, Termasuk menganalisa value dari assets2 bisnis perusahaan, ancaman2nya, seberapa vulnerable-nya asset2 itu, ISO 27005 dan NIST SP 800 30 adalah salah satu sumber yang membahas tentang Risk Management, Ada beberapa hal yang di perhatikan dalam Risk Management, Untuk recovery dari resiko, ITIL mengkategorikan menjadi 4 hal, “pastikan nasi selalu ada ketika ada yang pesen NasGor”, “pastikan koneksi ke DaCen di reserve 1mb biar jaga2 klo bottleneck”, Inti dari ITSCM adalah memastikan tim IT tetap bisa mendeliver service dalam kondisi yang paling tidak menguntungkan (minimum agreed service) a.k.a Business Continuity yang jadi perencana Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP), “kita mau bikin NasGor pake ala apa? is documented. Service Catalogue Management stellt sicher, dass ein Servicekatalog entwickelt und gepflegt wird, der präzise Informationen zu allen in Betrieb befindlichen und geplanten Services enthält. Service Catalog Management. Innerhalb von ITIL Service Catalogue Management sind keine Teil-Prozesse spezifiziert. PCI? The service catalog management process aims to update information about the services and to have the latest information about all operational services. RACI-Modells: Verantwortlich für die Ausführung bestimmter Aufgaben in ITIL Service Catalogue Management. 3 Comments, Step selanjutnya dari Service Strategy, yaitu Service Design, “ok, budget udah ada nih buat bikin menu baru NasGor, apa dulu nih step2 yang harus dilakukan”, “BoD sudah approve untuk bikin DaCen, next planning-nya apa nih”, Inti dari Service Design adalah untuk merealisasikan strategy yang sudah dibuat, gimana caranya service yang akan dibuat ini bisa beradaptasi kedalam sistem yang ada, dan cost effective, Jadi kita sebagai tim IT bisa menyiapkan service yang “layak di konsumsi” untuk customer dari segala sisi. CMMI® and Capability Maturity Model® are registered trademarks of Carnegie Mellon University. With the ServiceNow® Service Catalog application, create service catalogs that provide your customers with self-service opportunities. Service Catalogue Management (or Service Catalog Management) is one of the well-defined main processes under Service Design module of the ITIL best practice framework.. As defined in ITIL V3, it is a controlled process which ensures that Service Catalogue is produced, maintained, and contains accurate information for all operational services and those being prepared to be run operationally. For each IT Service the. Management of the catalog of services in an IT organization is a crucial job to keep the ITIL service lifecycle going as briefly seen in the free ITIL course. ITIL Intermediate SOA - Service Catalogue Management Tutorial. You can adapt this default workflow to meet your specific process and business needs. actual status. Crucial functionalities of this scenario are the ability to order a Service out of the Service Catalog from an end user perspective and to realize Service Items of a Service Package via the integration to the Request Fulfillment process. Apa aja sih yang biasanya dijadiin SLA, contohnya: Jadi klo ada yang nanya…”kok file di server gue error sih“, sementara tim IT DaCen cuma nyediain “jatah” storage aja…lu bisa ngomong bahwa itu bukan bagian dari tanggung jawab tim IT DaCen, Untuk bisa improve SLA, mungkin gara2 banyak yang request lebih dari SLA yang kita kasih…maka diperlukan Service Improvement Plan (SIP), adanya di topik/fase Continual Service Improvement (tahun 2011, namanya diganti jadi CSI Register), Supaya tim IT dan supplier bisa bersama2 memberikan service terbaik kepada customer…maka dibentuklah OLA (Operational Level Agreement), “eh…lu punya vendor ngerjain network buat konek ke DaCen ya, nanti maintain-nya dari orang lu, klo ada perubahan2 config jangan langsung diganti…rapat dulu sama kita”, Biasanya kita bikin SLAM Chart (SLA Monitoring Chart) untuk ngawasin SLA yang sudah dibikin, So…dari SLR ke SLA ke SDP ke SIP…yang semuanya dimanage dengan kesepakatan dari OLA, “ni kita sanggup handle berapa banyak request NasGor sih?”, “storage untuk DaCen cukup ga? Prozess-Beschreibung Service Catalog workflows enable administrators to easily define a complex, multi‑step process for fulfilling and approving the request. Ziel: Service Catalogue Management stellt sicher, dass ein Servicekatalog entwickelt und gepflegt wird, der präzise Informationen zu allen in Betrieb befindlichen und geplanten Services enthält. Catalogue Management Definition. ISO? Yang handle maintenance siapa?”, New topic in ITILv3 2011, inti dari Design Coordination adalah maintain seluruh sub-proses dari Service Design diatas biar konsisten, Ada beberapa yang dibahas dalam Design Coordination, Next Step…Siap Dilaunching, Service Transition, http://wiki.en.it-processmaps.com/index.php/ITIL_Service_Design, https://www.klipfolio.com/resources/kpi-examples, https://www.clearpointstrategy.com/how-to-determine-critical-success-factors-for-your-business/, http://www.seriosoft.com/blog/itil-v3-business-and-technical-service-catalogs, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service-level_agreement, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_level_requirement, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operational-level_agreement, http://wiki.en.it-processmaps.com/index.php/Risk_Management, Service Catalog ini hanya akan disediakan kepada customer yang ter-authorisasi, adanya di topik/fase Continual Service Improvement, A Journey into IT Management, Part 2: Network, IT Risk, dan Pandemi, Cost of services: untuk gunain service ini harganya brp, SLA Information: standard acuan ini service bagus apa engga apa, User Group: user yang make services ini masuk group apa (user, admin, operator,dll), Link and References to other services which essential for delivery of this service, Configuration items (hardware, software, etc. Basically a Service Catalogue is a single, concise source of clear, accurate and up-to-date information about all of your live services. Service catalogue management ensures that service and product descriptions are expressed clearly for the target audience to support stakeholder engagement and service delivery. berarti ga sesuai dong dengan yang dijanjikan…ini berarti SLA-nya buruk, Karena SLA ini harus sesuai dengan kebutuhan customer maka klo bisa ada semacam SLR (service level requirement), Isinya apa? Yang tanggung jawab menu siapa?”, “yang tanggung jawab InfoSec policy siapa? You get full access to the source code to add new solutions, controllers etc. The technical service catalog, along with configuration information, outlines how business and technical services and processes work together to provide value to the custo… RACI-Modells: Verantwortlich dafür, dass Service Catalogue Management als Gesamt-Prozess korrekt und vollständig ausgeführt wird. Es führt einen eigenen Prozess ein, der für die Richtigkeit der Servicekatalog-Inhalte verantwortlich ist und für deren laufende Aktualisierung (die erforderlichen Änderungen am Servicekatalog) sorgt. Dieser Prozess versorgt alle weiteren ITIL Service-Management-Prozesse mit wesentlichen Informationen: Dabei handelt es sich um Angaben zu den Details der Services, ihrem aktuellem Status sowie zu ihren wechselseitigen Abhängigkeiten. --   Sitemap. Other Stuff Deutsche Bezeichnung: Service Catalogue Management, Prozess-Verantwortlicher: Service Catalogue Manager. The setup of the integrated Service Order and Request Fulfillment is described as well. This includes technical, security, and process information for use in service delivery, which is not relevant for service consumers. Service Catalogue Management maintains the Service Catalogue as part of the Service Portfolio visible for the IT Service Consumers. 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