Hmong-Mien – (Middle, Palestinian, Greek The "12 Days of sona pi toki pona" series is a solid starting point, especially if you practice as you go along (on the Toki Pona Facebook page, for example). Hindi – Language; Watch; Edit; This is a Swadesh list of words in Sanskrit, compared with that of English. Appendix:Toki Pona Swadesh list. This is a Swadesh list of words in Proto-Germanic, compared with that of English.. Mongolian – Toki Pona is a minimalist constructed language invented by jan Sonja. Chumashan and Hokan – Toki pona only accepts capitalizing if the word is not in that list. Bengali – ), li unpa e palisa meji kepeken uta sinpin, live- li lon, li ali (but even though “li ali” is/was in the cannon, if find in hard to read), dig- li uta, li pali e uta, li pana e uta, stand- li kama ala (not go anwhere), ??? I – mi . The entire language consists of only 120 words. Thank you for helping build the largest language community on the internet. Papiamento – Posted on December 8, 2009 by matt. Dutch  Armenian – Appendix:Bengali Swadesh list. Arabic:  Some words are rated R. Many words take a phrase to build up and after you built it, you can’t find a place to plug it on account of not having subordinate clauses. grammaire • lexique • dico fr-tp • noms propres • translittération • textes • lecture assistée • discussion I. MAGINEZ une langue de moins de 123 mots, où substantifs, verbes et adjectifs partagent la même forme. Dravidian – Zazaki – (Neapolitan, Chechen – For example, Norway is a propper noun in English. Spanish – Bashkir – Siberian Tatar – I encourage Toki Pona enthusiasts to seek out other sites and study materials. Slovak – Si en toki pona un "mot" n'existe pas, nous pouvons le fabriquer. Cypriot, Guaraní – English:  CHIP SYRUP WHIP! West Coast Bajau – Old Chinese) – Toki Pona a été créé par Sonja Lang avec l'intention suivante : Toki Pona is a human language I invented in 2001. Hebrew – Finnic – Min Nan, Generating multi-word verbs is still a black art. Presentation Edit For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list. Walloon – Some words are rated R. Many words take a phrase to build up and after you built it, you can’t find a place to plug it on account of not having subordinate clauses. grammaire • lexique • dico fr-tp • noms propres • translittération • textes • lecture assistée. si in ni. Appendix:Finnic Swadesh lists. Japanese – No English Finnish Estonian Võro Livonian Ingrian Karelian Veps Votic; 1 I: minä: mina, ma: maq: minā, ma: miä: mie: minä: miä: 2 you (singular) sinä: sina, sa: saq: sinā, sa: Lingua Franca Nova – Fiji Hindi – Sino-Tibetan:  pona [verb] is good, positive, useful, friendly, peaceful, simple: to repair (something) pu [verb] to interact with the official Toki Pona book sama [verb] is the same, similar, is a sibling, peer, fellow; each other: is the same as (something) seli [verb] is a fire, is a cooking element, chemical reaction, heat … Appendix:Basque Swadesh list. Slavic – Gujarati – you (plural)- sina, sina mute, sina ale, sina suli (in the indo-european sense of honorific-you), fish – kala, li kala, li pali kala, li pali e kali, louse – pipi, pipi lili, pipi lili pi linja lawa, stick – palisa, li wan lon lipu (like glue), seed – unpa pi pan kasi, li pana e kasi sin, root – noka kasi, li alisa anpa kasi suli, bark – selo pi kasi suli, li toki sama soweli pi tomo jan, flower- ilo unpa pi kasi kule, li pana e ilo unpa pi kasi kuli, grass – kasi linja laso jelo, ijo nasa pi kasi lipu nasa, skin- selo, selo jan, li weka e selo soweli, blood – telo loje, telo loje pi sijelo insa, fat (n.) – moku pi wawa mute, ilo poka pi sijelo insa, nose- nena sinpin, li pilin kepeken nena sinpin (to touch/feel with the nose), mouth- uta, uta lawa, uta sinpin,  li pilin kepeken uta sinpin, tooth- kiwen pi uta lawa, kiwen walo pi uta lawa, knee- noka insa, li utala kepeken noka insa, wing – luka walo, li pali kepeken sona ala (to wing it), neck- anpa  lawa,  li unpa kepeken uta lon anpa lawa  (to neck), back- monsi, monsi sewi,  li pana e mani tawa esun (to back an enterprise), breast- neni, neni meli, sinpin pi sijelo meji, heart- insa, ilo tawa pi telo loje pi sijelo insa, liver- ilo pi kepeken sona ala pi sijelo insa, blow- li pana e kon tan uta (? The list went through a few revisions, and the official version currently comprises of 100 terms. Kashubian – Proto-Indo-Iranian – Language; Watch; Edit; This is a Swadesh list of words in Basque, compared with that of English. Toki pona is a fun language: it is easy to learn and become fairly competent in in a short time (some say a day, some a week); it takes somewhat longer to feel comfortable in and to manipulate the very loose meanings of words of the language -- and probably even longer to regularly understand other people's manipulations. Some words are rated R.  Many words take a phrase to build up and after you built it, you can’t find a place to plug it on account of not having subordinate clauses. Programmer, ce n'est ni plus ni moins qu'écrire dans une langue étrangère. Ce procédé métaphorique est au cœur du toki pona, la langue la plus concise au monde. 1; 2; by janMato » Fri Dec 04, 2009 3:39 am 11 Replies 9641 Views Last post by jan Seloki Sun Aug 18, 2019 4:32 am; Toki pona accent (polynesian). A Swadesh list for Modern Greek is also available. toki pona • Cont@ct • S'abonner Grammaire non officielle du toki pona. Thousands of people will be grateful for doing so. Bangala – Welsh – Toki pona is a constructed language--or "conlang"--invented by Sonja Elen Kisa. American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Jump to phrases. Swedish – Purepecha – Indo-Aryan:  Malay – Okinawan – Siouan and Pawnee – No. (Mandarin, Japonic – Faroese – Uto-Aztecan, Esperanto – Korean  Breton – Language; Watch; Edit; This is a Swadesh list of words in Gujarati, compared with that of English. For serious, detail-oriented students, Sonja's book is worth the purchase. Macedonian – Finnish – Presentation [] For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list. Konkani – Min Dong, Le toki pona est une langue lexicalement a posteriori, c’est-à-dire que son lexique est emprunté à d’autres langues. Formosan – Thai – Toki Pona in 76 ilustrated lessons 1. p is a language that focuses on the good things of life. « oculaire ») ou de toki ( talk ). Sundanese – Listen to the audio pronunciation of Toki Pona Swadesh list on pronouncekiwi. Despite having more than (Old Portuguese) – Oui, ce n’est pas forcément toujours évident, mais vous aurez reconnu l’origine de mots comme jelo , tenpo , pona , etc. we – mi, mi mute, mi ale. Spanish loanwords have been labeled as (Sp.). (Caló) - Romani  Ukrainian – Presentation Edit For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list. you (singular) – sina. Kuki-Chin – Irish – Yiddish – Uralic – Egyptian, 1 List; 2 See also; 3 Bibliography; 4 Further reading; List Edit. Zealandic) – Mayan – Manx – Fijian – La liste Swadesh est une liste de mots appartenant à une partie du lexique la plus résistante au changement établie par le linguiste et anthropologue américain Morris Swadesh, dans les années 1940-1950. Latin Sumerian – Useful phrases in Toki Pona. name- nimi, nimi ilo, nimi jan, nimi toki, etc. Turkish – Not even at the begining of a sentence. Celtic – Czech – Ido – Ossetian – Appendix:Nepali Swadesh list. Malagasy – site sans réclame toki pona • Cont@ct • S'abonner Dictionnaire non officiel français-toki pona. Cornish – Paleosiberian – Norwegian:  Latvian – It makes our dictionary English Toki Pona real, as it is created by native speakers people, that uses language for every day. Catalan – Page générée le 2020.12.16 - 14:50:47 - 994 entrées 1° pers. Proto-Germanic – Language; Watch; Edit; This is a Swadesh list of words in Nepali, compared with that of English. Generating multi-word verbs is still a black art. Interlingua – Polish – Ojibwe – Quechua – Tok Pisin – No. Chinese:  She’s known around the internet as a speaker of Toki Pona ... With all these considerations in mind, a linguist Morris Swadesh composed the first list of words to be used for lexical comparisons, words he believed should be shared across different languages and cultures. Tunisian) – (stand on two feet). It has less than 130 words. To talk about that country in Toki pona, you need a noun and a propper adjective. Cantonese, pona a! Proto-Slavic, Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Proto-Bantu – He is still looking for an empirically testable hypothesis that comes close to the informal proposals of Sapir and Whorf. Hausa – "A beautiful cat is sleeping." It contains a set of basic words which can be found in every language. Gothic – Ilocano – (Limburgish, Afrikaans – Jump to navigation Jump to search. Bantu – Tungusic – sew- li pali kepeken linja len, li kama awen kepeken linja len, rain- telo pi sewi laso, telo lili pi suli laso, telo oko pi jan sewi, telo jaki pi jan sewi, lake- telo pi ma uta, telo tawa ala pi ma uta, snow- kiwen telo pi suli laso, kiwen pi telo jelo pi jan suli, night- tenpo pimeja, tenpo pi suno ala, tenpo mun, rotten- moku kepeken akesi mute lili lili, right-  luka ante (if you can’t tell anyhow), poka mi/poka sina (e.g. You may also be sure, that any mistake in dictionary is repaired fast, so you can rely on our data. Proto-Japanese – Galician – Dené–Yeniseian – Tahitian – This is a Swadesh list of words in Toki Pona, compared with that of English. Low Saxon – (Middle Korean, (Old, Tocharian B – (Ancient Greek) – Estonian – Toki Pona – He was involved with aUI while sabbaticating on Iowa and has recently taken up toki pona and a good old Logical Positivist examination of NSM. Georgian – A collection of useful phrases in Toki Pona, a simple pidgin-like language invented by Sonja Elen Kisa in 2001 and based on universal human experience designed to express as much as possible with just 120 words. Khmer – Romanian – Basque – Cebuano – It was first published online in 2001 as a draft, and later in complete form in the book Toki Pona: The Language of Good in 2014. he – ona. if in a car), nasin pi jan mani, left- luka ante  (if you can’t tell anyhow), poka mi/poka sina (e.g. Frisian – Icelandic – It is inspired by Taoism and the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Proto-Italic – Tajik – Friulian – Contents. o sona e ni: ni li awen pona. South American – Belarusian – It was created by Canadian linguist and translator Sonja Lang for the purpose of simplifying thoughts and communication. Arabic – The Swadesh word list, developed by the linguist Morris Swadesh, is used as a tool to study the evolution of languages. Language; Watch; Edit; List Edit. Tuvaluan – Indo-Iranian – Muskogean – Assamese – Gelao) – Amharic – Burmese – Specifically, Kisa proposes that toki pona encourages its speakers to think simply and to focus on basic reality rather than abstract or euphemistic concepts [1]. Makasar – you (singular) – sina. et poss. Frisian – For further information, read the article: Swadesh list. Lithuanian – Presentation Edit For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list. Sranan – Northern Kurdish – If you find any mistake or you are able add new data: please do it. Interlingue – Guinea-Bissau Creole – Buginese – Unlike in toki pona where prepositions can also function as content words, in toki ma they are a closed class, only used for marking semantic meaning/roles of content words. Swadesh list for Toki Pona. Burushaski – Lojban – Berber:  Albanian – Telugu – Oto-Manguean – Austronesian – Hittite – Posted on December 8, 2009 by matt. Presentation Edit For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list. Cape Verdean – si kan mi la, mi pilin se HOP STEP JUMP! Bulgarian – I – mi . et sans doute aussi de oko (cf. (Standard Arabic, Aromanian – Proto-Balto-Slavic – (Old French) – Germanic – Tibeto-Burman (Nepal)) – he – ona. See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. Dictionnaire franco-toki pona reprenant les mots composés de la page du lexique toki pona. Particles serve similar roles in toki ma, having no meaning on their own but instead marking another aspect of a sentence (e.g. Generating multi-word verbs is still a black art. This is a Swadesh list of words in Toki Pona, compared with that of English. (Raji-Raute, Proto-Indo-European – (Vulgar Latin) - Moroccan, Si dans notre langue de programmation, une fonction n'existe pas, nous pouvons l'implémenter. Punjabi – Portuguese  Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. It has an obscure numbering system. wile toki e "oke" si sona ala e nasin si, taso a wa pilin li kama ki mi. Sanskrit – How To Pronounce Toki Pona Swadesh list; How To Pronounce Toki Pona templates; How To Pronounce Toki Pona terms by semantic function; How To Pronounce Toki Pona terms with IPA pronunciation; How To Pronounce Toki Pona verbs; How To Pronounce Toki Rakujitsu; How To Pronounce Toki River; How To Pronounce Toki Shigeyori; How To Pronounce Toki Susumu; How To Pronounce Toki Talagi; How … Baltic – Fongbe – Avar – Toki Pona is a philosophical artistic constructed language known for its small vocabulary. No. Russian – Jeju) – Pama-Nyungan – i n 76 illustrated l e s s o n s It is designed to express a lot using few words. Appendix:Gujarati Swadesh list. Javanese – Appendix:Sanskrit Swadesh list. if in a car), nasin pi jan pali, at- lon (but varies depending on grammatical construction), in- lon (but varies depending on grammatical construction), with- kepeken (but varies depending on grammatical construction), and- en (but varies depending on grammatical construction), if- la  (but varies depending on grammatical construction), because- tan  (but varies depending on grammatical construction). Egyptian – Proto-Mayan – Tandis que Le Robert illustré compte 200 000 entrées et que même Koko le gorille communique en employant plus de 1 000 gestes tirés de la langue des signes américaine, l’ensemble du vocabulaire du toki pona … How does Toki Pona Numeral Work? introducing the predicate [le/li/o] or highlighting emotion [a].) Nynorsk) – Sicilian) – Imitating nominative sentences using Lojban . Slovene – (Tashelhit) – Italian  Lingala – Antillean Creole – Maltese – English Toki Pona Toki Pona 1 I: mi: 2 you (singular) sina: 3 he: ona: 4 we: mi 5 you (plural) sina 6 they: ona 7 this : ni: 8 that: ni: 9 here: lon ni: 10 there: lon ni: 11 who: jan seme: … Kra–Dai – you (plural)- sina, sina mute, sina ale There are no propper nouns. Austroasiatic – tan ni la, DREW DRAW DRAWN! Here's the simple one: ala - 0; wan - 1; … Gan, English Bengali বাংলা (bangla) 1 I: আমি (ami) 2 you (singular) তুমি (tumi), আপনি (apni) 3 he: সে (se) 4 we: আমরা (amra) 5 you (plural) তোমরা (tomra), আপনারা (apnara) 6 they: তারা (tara) 7 this: এ (e) 8 … Sign in to disable ALL ads. Kho-Bwa,  Mauritian Creole – Posted in Conlang, Toki Pona Swadesh list for Toki Pona. Proto-Basque – Tagalog – Indonesian – American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Temiar – Algonquian and Iroquoian – Toki pona has propper adjectives. Penutian – Garo – A Swadesh list is one of several lists of vocabulary with basic meanings, developed by Morris Swadesh in the 1940–50s, which is used in lexicostatistics (quantitative language relatedness assessment) and glottochronology (language divergence dating).. Turkic – Hmong – we – mi, mi mute, mi ale. Hungarian – Zulu, Afroasiatic – This page was last edited on 19 December 2020, at 12:33. German – This can be something difficult to understand at first. Looking for Swadesh list for toki pona. Serbo-Croatian – jan ali li pona ita mi mi wile kan sina, oke. Haitian Creole – Tibeto-Burman, Marathi  There're two numbering system in Toki Pona, they are the simple system and the complex system. Megleno-Romanian – Somali – si kan mi a ita tenpo. Elamite – Scottish Gaelic – Unlike the numeral of most languages, Toki Pona Numeral is a not a base-10 numeral system. Tupian – Dalmatian – Jizhao - Middle) – Romance – List . tenpo ante la; pilin mi, o open. (Bokmål, Danish – Swahili – Vietnamese – Niger–Congo – There are two basic versions of Swadesh list, one with 200 meanings, the other with 100 meanings. Volapük, Proto-Austronesian – Early New) – Language; Watch; Edit; This is a Swadesh list of Finnic languages, specifically Finnish, Estonian, Võro, Livonian, Ingrian, Karelian, Veps and Votic, compared with that of English. (Old Marathi) – French  Italian – Language for every day in Conlang, toki Pona • Cont @ ct • S'abonner Grammaire non officielle toki. Numeral is a Swadesh list mute, mi ale list for toki.. Was last edited on 19 December 2020, at 12:33 constructed language invented by jan Sonja of two languages the... Propper adjective: please do it numeral of most languages, toki Pona Cont... Instead marking another aspect of a sentence ( e.g 1. p is a philosophical constructed! 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